Dale Chihuly began assembling elements from within a series while developing his Baskets in the 1970s. By nesting smaller elements within larger vessels, Chihuly creates compositions that encourage viewers to look through the walls of the outer form to discover a microcosm of color and transparency. Seaforms, which evolved out of Chihuly’s Basket series, continue this exploration of transparency and environment.
The first Seaform Studio Edition composed of three individual elements, Chihuly Workshop’s 2021 Seagrass Seaform is a remarkable representation of Chihuly’s penchant for assembling distinct forms into one unified vision. The largest element presents a transparent center that directs attention to the brilliant blue “ribs” and kelp green edges, while a smaller form in opaque chartreuse rests within. Echoing the palette of blue and green, a curlicued element winds its way from within the composition to bring balance to the juxtaposed qualities of transparency and opacity. A dramatic red lip wrap on all three elements contributes a vibrant contrast.